Riverdale School, nestled within the Ramapo Mountains of Morris County, takes great pride in the learning experiences afforded to its Pre-K through grade 8 students. The district encourages the growth and development of each student to his or her full potential, within a developmentally appropriate curriculum. To accomplish this, staff strives to provide an environment that fosters: an enthusiastic love of learning, a sense of responsibility, creative thinking and problem solving skills, an appreciation of the arts, development of self esteem, respect and sensitivity for others and awareness of a rapidly changing and diverse world.
In support of this vision the district strives to:
- Nurture cooperative partnerships among home, school and community
- Provide technological resources within an integrated curricula and
- Enhance the professional skills and talents of staff to meet the educational, emotional, and social needs of our students.
Riverdale prides itself in meeting the needs of all learners and provides staff with continuing professional development focusing on recognized “best practices” in education, to assist them in meeting this goal. Our commitment is based on the belief that our students are central to every decision made. The resulting educational program includes:
- An inclusive preschool program, affording our special needs students the opportunity to interact with typically developing peers
- A full day kindergarten program, providing developmentally appropriate instruction and activities designed to foster emotional, social and cognitive growth
- An emphasis on literacy throughout all disciplines, commencing with a balanced literacy program which includes skill development in: phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and exploration of a variety of genre.
- Writing throughout the disciplines, fostering higher order thinking and successful communication skills.
- Mathematics instruction, providing hands-on experiences as well as practical application of concepts.
- Integration of technology with Internet access throughout the facility
- Opportunities for gifted and talented students through differentiated instruction as well as a “Self Directed Learning” program, under the direction of school staff
- Inter-scholastic athletic programs
- Cultural enrichment assemblies, sponsored by the PTA
Student accomplishments are celebrated and remain evidenced in the awards and recognitions our students have earned within the school and larger community. Many of our middle school students hold membership in the National Junior Honor Society. An annual drama production, science fair and concert performances further showcase the achievements of our students.
The district is fortunate to enjoy a cooperative working relationship with the borough, which assists us through shared services and support of our programs.