Schedule for Delayed Opening & Early Dismissal

Emergency School Closing/Snow Day

In the event of a severe storm or other emergencies, the closing of Riverdale School will be announced on the following:

Fox 5
News 12 New Jersey
NBC 4 New York
WABC/Channel 7 News

Additionally, parents will be notified via Remind and a message will be displayed on the school website.


Please do not have your child arrive prior to 8:05 a.m. coverage.


Early Dismissal--Parent Request: A written note is required from the parent/guardian prior to picking up a child during the school day. A student who leaves school during school hours before regular dismissal due to illness, appointments, or any other reason, must be met in the school office or the nurse's room so that the parent or designee may sign the student out.

No student may leave the school property on their own accord from the time he/she arrives in the morning until the appointed departure time.

Preschool/Kindergarten/1st Grade 8:05 Arrival (Tardy 8:15) Oak Street Entrance
2:34 Dismissal Oak Street Entrance
Grades 2-3 8:05 Arrival (Tardy 8:15) Rear of School (Kiss & Drop)
2:34 Dismissal Rear of School (Kiss and Drop)
Grades 4-8 8:05 Arrival (Tardy 8:15) Main (Front) Entrance
2:34 Dismissal Main (Front) Entrance
Bus Riders 2:34 Dismissal Enter Through Gymnasium Doors by Kiss and Drop
3:20 Late Bus (Students must register in main office or online) Rear of School
Lunch/Recess Schedule
Grades 6-8 11:06-11:46
Grades K-2 11:48-12:28
Grades 3-5 12:30-1:10

EARLY DISMISSAL DAYS: Concludes for students at 12:40 p.m. No Lunch/Recess on Early Dismissal Days.

DELAYED OPENING DAYS: No before care or breakfast

Preschool - 8th Grade:  9:30 AM - 2:34 PM (doors open at 9:25 AM)

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